I am a Craigslist fan. Some might even call me a fanatic.
People ask me about how I sell all the time.. and the truth is, there's no magic to it, just a whole lotta customer service.
Here are a few little gems I collected.
C = Craigslist customer
M = Me
C: I work at 2000 McGill College, maybe you could deliver it to me at my office.
M: The 5$ Moulinex salad spinner, you mean? Sorry but no way.
C: Is your iPOD a real or a fake?
M: A real.
C: Is your Balenciaga a real or a fake?
M: A real. Here is the serial number: AJ67548332
C: But are you really sure it's a real?
M: I have the receipt, as indicated in my ad. Receipt indicates Serial #, plus big dollas spent. Yes, I am sure.
C: Oh ok, well I'm not sure about the color but I'll get back to you.
M:Yeah ok. See ya, and thanks for wasting my time.
There is more, but we'll leave it at that for today.
Happy Monday!!
thanks for the tips